2747 E Broadway Long Beach, CA (562) 343-2720
Tooth Gem Expert
Swarovski Crystals $60
Each Additional Crystal $30
24K Gold Tooth Gem $130
Tooth gems are noninvasive and painless.
Require no extra maintenance.
Have no effect on the tooth enamel once the jewel is removed or replaced.
Involve a procedure that only takes about 15 minutes.
Does not obstruct regular brushing.
Does not restrict you from visiting your dentist or dental hygienist.
Tooth gems last approximately 6 weeks to 2 years.
Swarovski tooth gems are simple, subtle, and shimmer and come in a variety of colors.
Tooth gems also are available in 24K gold in a variety of designs. Both options are applied to the tooth using safe dental materials.
Do not touch or play with the tooth gem directly after procedure.
Do not eat or drink for one hour after the tooth gem is placed.
Eat only soft foods for the first 12 hours.
Do not brush your teeth for 12 hours. It is preferable to avoid using an electric toothbrush for the first 24 hours after a tooth gem has been placed.
Always be careful biting into hard food where the tooth gem has been placed. This will after the longevity of your tooth gem.